Monday, October 19, 2009

Madison Saige's Website

Please join Danielle and I in welcoming our baby, Madison Saige, with your heartfelt words of wisdom, prayers of encouragement, or just plain ol' parenting do's and don'ts for the parents to be. Please feel free to post as often or as little as you would like. We are hosting her site at and you can add your comments at
This is our version of a scrapbook so any photos, quotes, prayers, or anything will be very appreciated.

You can also go directly to make your posting by clicking the "submit" box in this posting!

Thank you very much.

Javier Mendoza

You can also follow us on Facebook and twitter

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our Weekend with Madison Saige

Being that this is the first weekend knowing our baby's name we have had an amazing time "getting to know her". First just being able to talk to her and now use her name has given me a deeper feeling connnection to my baby girl.

It seems like Madison Saige already has a mind of her own, which we knew would happen immediately since she is her parents child...

She has been sleeping till 4 in the afternoon and then moving like crazy just to let us know she is there. She seems to like the books we read to her (The Little Mermaid) but who really knows. Maybe she is just "letting" us be amused with ourselves for now.

Saturday Danielle and I decided it was time to register for this little one. After all we are almost halfway through the pregnancy and her parents are still living like newlyweds....

When thinking about where to head first we figured the only logical place to register would be of course...Target. Target has EVERYTHING plus they are EVERYWHERE and we LOVE Target! Target is also the only place to register for weddings in case you didn't already know!

Armed with our Target scanner and a cart to carry Danielle's purse and our NEW Target Gift with any registry... We were off to the BABY section. Only question is "where is the baby section". Of all the times Danielle and I have made trips to Target I think we have only seen the baby section once and maybe twice and only to be like "aww how cute"...Never on a mission.

Well, this time our mission had brought us to the one more part of Target that we HAD TO HAVE everything we saw. Seriously, are we the only ones who love Target enough that would be happy to own ANYthing in there???

As we perused the 6 or so aisles, we found onesies, binkys, and blankies. There is baby girl items in pink, brown, yellow, and teal. They have clothes proclaiming your baby as "daddy's little girl", and "Mommy's Little Lamb". There were about a thousand different bottles for feeding and a million different diapers for after feeding.

We scanned it all....

We figured this gets us through about her first 90 days or so. There is so much to take in for new parents and especially this daddy who is totally not in the know on anything BABY. I have a lot to learn but I am up for the challenge.

It would have been pretty impossible for me to imagine loving someone who I have never met, but I can easily say I love Madison Saige and cant wait to meet her!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Madison Saige Mendoza

Well, the day has come for us to find out if were decorating in Pink or Blue..

We have been excited from day one about our special blessing and were not at all leaning either way, although Danielle had said she "felt" like we were having a girl all along. She has been saying that basically from the beginning but we have not really said, because we didn't want to give way to give our baby a complex if we said the wrong thing....Mostly that was me because I over-think!!!

Anyway, I guess there is something to this mommy intuition because Danielle was RIGHT!!!

We are expecting a baby girl sometime in early March next year!!! We are so excited and very happy with God's choice of a girl for us!

I am so proud of Danielle, she has been doing so well with everything and she is going to be the perfect mommy for Madison Saige.

Please help us pray for a healthy mommy and baby, and that everything will be just as God planned! We will of course be updating here regular so please bookmark us here or check us out on facebook!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our Pregnancy Update!

We are 18 weeks and 2 days into this wonderful new life. Danielle has been doing so great and I am so proud of her. She has been doing so well with all that has been going on! We have a doctor's appointment this week, and hopefully we will be able to find out if we will be welcoming a baby girl or a baby boy into our lives!

We will try and update a little more often from now on since we are getting almost to the halfway point.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We Just Found Out Were Pregnant!!!

On Thursday, July 23, 2009 I (Danielle) was finishing up some last minute details for our third year anniversary. Unfortunately we both had to work but I had made some fun plans for us that night. Thursday was "my" day to plan a date night, and Javi would be planning something special for Friday. Part of what I had planned for Javier and I was going to Times Ten Cellars (a local winery here in Dallas.) I was very excited to take him there as a big surprise...he had mentioned reading about it in D Magazine several months before, and I was happy to show him I had not forgotten about it.

There was one small problem...I had been waiting and waiting on my menstrual cycle. I had thought I may be pregnant but really just thought I was late. I did not want to chance it...after all we were going to a Winery. I left work and went to Walgreens for the pregnancy test. I got back to work went straight to the restroom and wanted to see the outcome. The test malfunctioned and gave no reading one way or another. Because of the awkward teenage boy that had processed my purchase and asked "Are you Nervous" at the checkout counter I decided to get another test from a different Walgreens. The second time around the test stared back at me with a Plus sign, or Cross depending on how you look at it. Though the tests are said to be 99% accurate I was not convinced because the first one had been inaccurate. What do you think my next step was? Yes, Walgreens one more time. I again received a positive response and a Flood of Emotions hit me all at once. I immediately cried from shock, and then fear came over me, followed by excitement.

So, Times Ten Cellar was out for me and I knew Javi would wonder why I was not enjoying sampling the wines. I had to tell him before that part of our date which was 7 long hours away. I wanted to leave work and immediately tell him but I knew too many people would be in and out of his office.

I decided to tell him over dinner at The Capital Pub. It was a loud environment but when I spoke the words it was like we were the only two in the room. Javier embraced me, and we both cried, and laughed and said we could not believe it! I am scheduled for a pregnancy test with a doctor on Tuesday July 28th just to confirm everything. However my body and the symptoms I am having are confirming it for me on what seems to be a minute by minute play by play.
